Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Capturing Thoughts; Capturing Love

There have been many moments over the last few weeks where I have wanted to post something. Thoughts have come into my head that I have wanted to put on paper and share with the universe, but I have not been able to necessarily sit down, log onto the internet and type. A tape recorder is desperately needed!

A quick thought I'll share as I listen to the sounds of the surf outside my window.

I wish that I could capture the feeling of love surrounding you. If we could capture this and pull it out of our "perfume" bottles whenever we needed an extra hug, life would be "marvelous". We would have no self-doubt, because those thoughts would be quickly set aside by the feelings of love and support.

The above post was created the last week of June 2007 when I was enjoying an evening of "Heather". I left Samantha with her very willing god-mom and went off on my own. My computer battery died mid-post, as it has been doing lately, and I was so frustrated, I haven't been back since.

Let me say that the next morning I went shopping at a very beautiful well center that a friend of mine has created and found my perfume bottle. I filled it with the sea air, the sound of the ocean, the wishes and voices of friends and an unnamed emotion that only Santa Cruz can provide for a person. My bottle is hanging from my vehicles rear-view window, reminding me of capturing love.

Now to add few more topics...

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