Monday, July 23, 2007

Quit Whining and Just Do It

These are mantra's I've lived by before in my life. These are things I tell my clients. These are things that I should be able to do myself. Why am I still whining?

Sunday, July 8, 2007


I'm supposed to work on my balance.

How does anyone else do it and manage it? Am I so completely off my rocker that I have to write down what my priorities and values are? Yes, I have to, but what took me this far off track?

Why do I work Sooooooooooooooo Much? I don't really enjoy doing it, yet I continue to year after year. (I don't enjoy the working too much part - I always enjoy actual work.)

Work - Home - Self
3 basic areas I can focus own and expand individual hats as necessary. But I brought my hats down on the title page of this blog, so I guess it makes sense. I just haven't started thinking that way.

There are people that making balance looks like a cake walk. I'd like to be one of those people.

This should tie in to "The Secret." What could I use as a visual for this? Hmmm....

It's Crazy

Crazy to think I would have time to write in this daily, if not weekly.
Crazy to think it would help with changes and keeping me on task.
Crazy to think I'd follow through with anything I write.
Crazy to think sharing in this forum will be helpful.
Crazy to think not sharing in this forum will be helpful.
Crazy to be over 30.
Crazy to be a mom.
Crazy to be a business owner.
Crazy to still be alive and in one piece after all the stupid acts of dumbness I've committed.
Crazy to feel better after writing only 10 lines of thought.
Crazy to be up at 1:30 in the morning.
Crazy to want to stay awake and do more things.
Crazy to want more than 24 hours a day to accomplish things.
Crazy to say yes to anything else.
Crazy to sit with my daughter and think she ever fit in my belly.
Crazy to sit with my daughter and think she and I could own a business some day.
Crazy to sit with my daughter and here her sing and play the drums.
Crazy to sit with my daughter and have her tell me knock knock jokes.
Crazy to always be wondering what's next instead of enjoying what's right now.
Crazy to miss my friends as much as I do when I've always really been a loner.
Crazy to try to control the thoughts of my brain to focus in on ONLY one thing.
Crazy to be married for 10 years.
Crazy to not be a veterinarian - that was the plan since I was 12.

This crazy list could go on with my brain in overload right now, but one last thought...

Doesn't "crazy" just look like it's spelled wrong?! It just looks like a funny word.

Les Miserables

This has always been a favorite play of mine. I've seen it with my mom and Toby, in New York and Los Angeles, respectively. I own the soundtrack of the Broadway as well as a French version that is simply beautiful.

It is on a national tour and played here in Salt Lake City, with a few local actors at Pioneer Theatre. One of the local actresses was a member at our club. She was fantastic as well! I'm so excited for this opportunity of hers.

Well, I finally got it.

Listened to the soundtrack a thousand times. Sitting there with my husband in my current hometown (one I said I would never move back to), I finally got it.

"To Love Another Person Is To See The Face of God."

I got it.

I got the story. I got what spirituality is. I got what I've been looking for. I got it.

Now - how to live it everyday?