Saturday, May 19, 2007


Midnight. One of the few times I have to myself - if I can stay awake long enough. I've started a couple posts over the last few days, but they didn't feel right. I jammed up writing after the first sentence or two. I feel the same way now, but I'm going to keep trying.

I finally hired a cleaning service. A wonderful woman named Olivia came in and saved my sanity by simply cleaning the floors. I wanted owning my life to mean that I could do everything. I think owning my life means realizing what I can and can't do and getting the help for those things I can't. Maybe I'm a wuss. My mom had 7 of us kids, and she never had to hire a cleaning service. Anyway, I didn't do my nails while Olivia was here. I cleaned along side and picked clutter up and cleaned things I'd been putting off. She put the elbow grease into the floors and my shower. WOW! Did it feel better when she was done. I don't have this nagging overwhelming feeling about when I'll be able to get to it. She's coming again in 10 days to help with the kitchen and then again at the end of June to do a thorough cleaning of the house. I'll enjoy her visits and do the simple cleaning in the meantime.

I also finally got around to finding someone to fix our sprinklers after watching the lawn dry out for the last 2 months. I kept doing all this research to find the best one. I finally just scheduled folks to come out and take a look at what needed to be done. I used the ones that actually showed up. If you are trying to operate a business and accept a proposal to come out and do an estimate - don't you think you'd show up?? If you don't have the time to do the job, don't tell me you'll come out for the proposal and then not show up!!

I'm burdened with this perfectionist streak and continue researching - never making any decisions. That part HAS TO STOP. I will never accomplish anything that way. I need to teach Samantha how to move forward and get what SHE wants. I don't think I'm always the best example of this.

Another reason it is time to own my life is a new duty I've been given. I have been appointed to the national franchise association board. This is the first year that it's been in existance and it's a pretty cool thing to be a part of. It will require volunteer work each week and some traveling. I wanted to be involved because it will help my business from the big picture end of things. People think I'm crazy for doing this. I probably am. People need to stand up and make changes when changes need to be made. You can't just sit back and let people decide what is best for you. You need to do it yourself. I am good at that in some respects and still have to make it happen in other arenas of my life.

If I don't own my time, my schedule, my sense of sanity, I won't be able to do much with this board, let alone time with my own family. A good friend of mine said not to turn the computer on until after my daughter goes to bed. Good Advice@l;

Well, I'm now falling aspleep typing, so I'll own up and go to bed. I wanted to do so much more before those eyes of mine started failing me.


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